The research “field stage” started in Poland

In the photo (by dr. hab. Piotr Długosz, prof. UP): Elementary School im. Marii Konopnickiej in Wiśniowa (Strzyżów poviat).
Despite the rising tide of the pandemic in Poland, the researcher (prof. Długosz) drove to the Strzyżów poviat, which was recognized, on the basis of analyzes, as the peripheral sub-region in Podkarpackie voivodeship. The research in general is aimed at reaching students located outside metropolises. From the talks of prof. Długosz with the management and teachers it seems that the students had no problems with the equipment. However, there were cases of logging out of lessons and not participating in them. According to teachers, the educational losses are large and it will take a long time to make up for them. Attention was also paid to the deterioration of social relations through remote teaching and teachers’ work on their correction (by: Dr. hab. Piotr Długosz, prof. UP)