Transnational Experts’ Panel discussed on Local Support Groups

In the screen-shot on the left side the presentation of the Slovakian Research Team. On the right side of it: experts from 4 countries (top to bottom): Hungary, Czechia, Poland, Slovakia and the panel moderator – Dr. Damian Liszka.
On Wednesday, 6/4/2022 using the MS Teams application, a meeting of 4 experts from the Visegrad Group countries took place. At the present stage, in March 2022 the “research” tasks were finished in all Partner countries and working on the recommendations on the creation of Local Support Groups started. One of the milestones of the new stage is the today experts’ panel where draft recommendations were prepared, presented, and discussed by experts from 4 Visegrad countries, so they can fit all countries’ legal procedures and policies. Some changes to the draft recommendations were proposed by experts as well, to fit better the expectations of the interested regional organizations, making them “universal”, meaning they can be implemented in any other (than research areas) less developed regions of all V4 countries (by: Dr. Damian Liszka)