Second half of the PCSET project realization

In the screen-shot are visible downloadable outputs of the project created so far, available at the dedicated Web-site:
We are happy to announce, that (as scheduled) in April 2022, we began the second half of the project realization. At this stage, the 2 tasks were realized as planned and the 2 outputs (No. 1 and No. 2) are already delivered and available to the public. The “research stage” was concluded and we began the “implementation stage” (the practical one). In March 2022 we already started the work on task 4 (1 recommendations book on the creation of Local Support Groups – Rapid Response Teams in the local environment for V4 less developed regions during a pandemic) and in April 2022 on task 3 (12 written interviews on good practices in V4 countries) (by: Dr. Damian Liszka)