PCSET transnational Research Team Meeting

In the screen-shot the presentation of the Slovak Research Team. At the bottom of it: participants of the meeting from 4 countries: Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia.
On Thursday, 02/09/2021 using the MS Teams application, a meeting of the Research Team from the Visegrad Group countries took place. The research findings to date were presented at the seminar. Thanks to the analysis of existing data, the institutional, social and economic context in which the issues of remote education in the peripheries are considered has been outlined. The Team from each country prepared a comprehensive report diagnosing the current situation and knowledge about education, the pandemic and its social consequences. At the meeting, the methodological assumptions of the planned survey research among students were also discussed. The “periphery” indicators were defined, the community and area for research were selected. Due to the uncertain epidemic situation, it is planned to accelerate the “field working” phase of research in schools. Work is currently underway on the preparation of the questionnaire (by: Dr. hab. Piotr Długosz, prof. UP)