PCSET seminar organised in Poland

Screenshots by Krzysztof Bogal, University of Krakow
The Polish Team successfully held the regional seminar of the project Preventing Post-covid social exclusion together organized remotely at the Pedagogical University of Krakow in Krakow and Rzeszow with the support of the Seminar Organisation Commitee (MA Agnieszka Przyłucka & MA Krzysztof Bogal, University of Krakow). The main speakers were (in order of appearance): Dr. hab. Anna Barwińska-Małajowicz, prof. at University of Rzeszow, Dr. Paweł Walawender, & Dr. Damian Liszka, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Krakow.
The seminar was a huge success, gathering 57 inactive participants. At the seminar there were presented: the essence, types and causes of unemployment, the Podkarpackie Voivodeship as an example of a peripheral region, main findings of the questionnaire survey in Poland, examples of good practices in the 4 Visegrad Countries, and the local support groups as tools for counteracting social and educational exclusion in crisis situations.
The Polish Team thanks all the participants – individuals, as well as institutions participated, including Voivodeship Labor Office in Rzeszów (by Dr. Damian Liszka)