PCSET seminar organised in Slovakia

In the screenshot: a screen with presentation at the PCSET project regional seminar in Presov, Slovakia
The Slovak team successfully organized a regional seminar of the “Preventing Post-Covid Social Exclusion Together” project jointly organized remotely at the Pedagogical University in Prešov.
The main speakers were (in order of appearance): Dr. Janka Ferencová (Faculty of Education, University of Presov), Dr. Lucia Šepeľáková (Faculty of Education, University of Presov), MA Jana Karľová (OZ Chestnut horse), MA Zuzana Labašová (Comenius Institute).
The seminar was a great success, with more than 40 participants. The following were presented at the seminar:
• Report on education systems during the Covid-19 pandemic in Slovakia – new challenges,
• Consequences of distance education for students in peripheral areas: findings from questionnaire survey in the Prešov region,
• Initiative „School through the mailbox“,
• What did the pandemic teach us? Findings from a survey on the impact of the pandemic on education.
The event was attended by experts who have been working in this field for a long time. Our invitation was accepted by special guests: policymakers, experts, representatives of schools, civil society organizations, representatives of the academic community and students.
We greatly appreciate the participation of the director of the formal education support department, head of the department for inclusion and special pedagogy, early and preschool education.
The aim was to highlight and evaluate examples of good practice and model proposals for practical interventions in the field of education of socially excluded communities, share experiences and present the results of research.
The Slovak team thanks all participants.