Dr. Lucie Šťastná

Research areas (selected): school media education, media education of adults, media literacy, family media education
Projects (selected):
- „Preventing post-COVID Social Exclusion Together” (from: 2021-06-01 to: 2022-11-30). Visegrad Fund Strategic Grants
- „Support of digital literacy development” (leading preschool modul from: 2018-03 to: 2020-06). Project supported by ESF and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic
- „State of media literacy in the Czech Republic“ (co-researcher during 2016). Offered by the Council of Radio and Television Broadcasting
- „Parents, children, and media“ (leading researcher from: 2012 to 2014). Supported by Grant Agency of Charles University
Articles (selected):
- Supa, M., Šťastná, L., & Jirák, J. (2020). Media Education Policy Developments in Times of „Fake News“: Case of the Czech Republic. In Frau-Meigs, D. et al., eds. The Handbook of Media Education Research, s. 373–378. John Wiley & Sons.
- Stastna, L. (2019). Family Relationships and Media. In Hobbs, R. & Mihailids, P., eds. The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy. John Wiley & Sons.
- Zezulkova, M., & Stastna, L., (2018). Parental Ethnotheories in Children’s Digital and Media Lives: Case of Romanipen. In Nordicom Yearbook 2018. Jorge, J., Mascheroni, G., & Ponte, C., Digital Parenting: The challenges for families in the digital age. NORDICOM Children, Youth & Media Yearbook.
- Šťastná, L. (2017). Challenges in Parental Mediation Research and Opportunities for Advancing of the Field. In: Lee, A. Y. L., Zhang, K. & Chan, K. Multidisciplinary Approach to Media Literacy Research and Practice. Peking: Communication University of China Press.