End of the PCSET project realization In the screen-shot are visible downloadable outputs of the project, available at the dedicated Web-site:... 2023.02.02
University of Debrecen Team visit at the Institute... In the screenshot: University of Debrecen Logotype Yes, it is true that the support of... 2023.02.01
Archiving the promotion activities of the project Screenshot by Dr. Vít Šťastný Despite the imminent end of the project, the cooperation of... 2023.01.25
All 4 PCSET seminars organized in V4 countries Screenshots from the Polish seminar by Krzysztof Bogal, University of Krakow All the PCSET seminars... 2022.12.09
PCSET seminar organised in Slovakia In the screenshot: a screen with presentation at the PCSET project regional seminar in Presov,... 2022.11.30
Invitation to the Slovakian regional seminar Invitation text by the Slovakian Team The event is scheduled on-line on the 29th November,... 2022.11.28